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Retirement Retirement

Planning For Your Retirement

  • Seven Ways to Plan for Retirement - Actions you take before you retire will determine the financial lifestyle you have after retiring. This article describes some relative simple actions to consider that can help you enjoy retirement even more.
  • Rethinking Retirement - The volatility of the stock market and the uncertainty over Social Security is causing many to re-evaluate how to save for retirement, when to retire and how to live after retirement. There are several things to consider as you plan for a financially secure retirement in light of the current stock market
  • Add $100,000 to Your Retirement Savings - It is probably safe to assume that you want to accumulate more funds for your retirement. Having more is better than having less. This article demonstrates how starting early and saving regularly can put that additional money within reach
  • Four Components of a Financially Secure Retirement - Most people identify a financially secure retirement as one of their primary financial goals. Reaching that goal can be easier by examining the four sources of income you will have during retirement and identifying steps you can take now to increase each of those sources.
  • Good Retirement Planning News - Changing the Social Security program continues to be a hotly debated topic.
  • Reviewing Your Options for a Retirement Plan Distribution - If you receive a lump sum distribution from your qualified plan as you change jobs or retire, there are important decisions you must make. The consequences of those decisions can have a very significant impact on your financial future.
  • How Long Will My Money Last? - Understanding the relationship between withdrawals, earnings rates and time will enable you to better set accumulation goals. A simple chart will help.
  • Wise Retirement Investments - Everyone's financial situation changes as they get closer to retirement, and so should their investment strategy. With decades before retirement, many younger individuals can afford (and probably should) to be more aggressive in their choice of investments. As you get closer to retirement, there is less time to "make up" for poor performance and one's investment strategy should become more conservative. This article provides some historical investment performance information to help put that decision-making process into perspective.

Social Security

401K & IRA

  • Do Not Ignore IRA Opportunities - IRAs have been around for a long time, but were significantly enhanced by tax law changes over the past several years. This article includes a chart showing some of the basic components of both regular and Roth IRAs.
  • Do IRA and 401(k) Contributions Still Make Sense? - In almost every case, the answer is a resounding YES
  • Can $6000 IRA Contributions Really Add Up? - A wise person once said that humans tend to over-estimate what they can accomplish in the short-term and under-estimate what they can accomplish in the long-term. This holds very true for IRA contributions.
  • Taking Money Out of Your IRA - Many people think of an IRA only as a savings tool. Yet, at some point, every dollar in an IRA will be distributed. Learn how different tax rules apply at different times of your life.
  • IRA or Roth IRA? - Many individuals have the opportunity to convert their traditional IRA to a Roth IRA and enjoy some additional benefits. However, there are restrictions and costs. You should examine this opportunity to see if it is right for you.
  • Is a Roth IRA Conversion Right For You? - Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs) are part of a financially secure retirement for many people.
  • An IRA Refresher - Individual retirement accounts are the basis of many individuals retirement planning. Even with a company retirement plan, the right IRA can help employees and business owners accumulate the wealth they desire.
  • Maximize Your IRA - Individual Retirement Accounts continue to be one of the most powerful ways to accumulate funds for a financially secure retirement. Learn about contribution limits, catch-up contributions and more.
  • New Roth IRA Conversion Opportunity - Beginning on January 1, 2010, individuals with Traditional IRAs will have the option of converting all or part of their funds in a Traditional IRA to a Roth IRA regardless of how much they earn. This is an important tax and estate planning opportunity that many may find attractive.
  • Mistake to Avoid - Not Taking Full Advantage of Your Employer’s 401(k) Plan - This popular type of retirement plan can be a major source of wealth. Understanding more about 410(k) plans will make your decision making easier.
  • IRAs for Teens - Many teenagers have income from summer or part-time jobs. Establishing a Roth Individual Retirement Account may be the beginning of a secure financial foundation. It can also help the teen develop some good savings habits.
  • Funding Your IRA the Easy Way With an Automatic Savings Plan - As long as you are under 70 1/2 years old, you can still contribute to an IRA. The easiest way to have your financial institution automatically transfer money in to your IRA account.
  • Taking Advantage of Non-Deductible IRA Contributions and Roth Conversions - Roth IRAs are often more attractive than regular IRAs because distributions are tax free and there are no required minimum distributions beginning at 70 1/2.